Jobal homepage print


Jobal is my most recent project, it's a job listing website where companies can register and post jobs. And developers can register to find jobs. Both parties can report issues which then can be handled by the admins. Admins can do the usual CRUD upon users, jobs and tickets.

I like working in the MERN stack, it's what I've been doing since May 2022. It's where I feel comfortable right now. The project itself isn't much to hang in the tree, it's the generic website with crud. My struggles where the major forms which developers/companies fills in. I wanted the program to grab the information in these big forms and generate the required object to send to the backend. It's not beautiful, but it works.

Backend is deployed at (Their free tier shuts the service off if no API calls have been made within 15 min. It takes up to 1min to start the process. If you're about to have a look at the deployed website.)

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