Head shot of Niclas Gustafsson

Happy coder, learner & tinkerer

I'm Niclas Gustafsson, junior fullstack web developer from Sweden. I strive to create clean, yet interactive solutions. Effective, clean code is my goal and I always believe there's a better solution.

Tech I work with

HTML iconCSS iconJavascript iconReact iconDocker iconNetlify iconSASS iconLaravel iconAngular iconHeroku iconPHP iconTypescript icon

More about me

I first set my eyes on web development back in 2019 going through the curriculum at freecodecamp.org. Since then I've gotten a good understanding of frontend development, and am now focusing on fullstack develpment.

Coding had already become a hobby before I started my Full Stack education in September 2021. When I'm not coding I read about code, solutions, and tools that might come in handy further on. I'm also trying to get more into Web Design and enhance my skillset in Figma.


I'd love to hear what you're working on, and see where I can help.

Send me an email at info[a]niclasgustafsson.com and let me know what the project scope is, timeline and tech stack.